We look forward to meeting you!

In-Person Services

9:00 AM Sunday Growth Groups
10:00 AM Sunday Worship Service
6:30 PM Wednesday Bible Study Classes



Join our Sunday morning worship service
live at approximately 10:25 AM,

or watch anytime at
Hillside Hope Assembly's
YouTube Page.



Summer Break

No growth groups or normal Wednesday night activities for the summer.

Testimony and Fun

August 7, 2024
6:30 PM

Join Tracy Auerbach at the church's firepit for a time of testimony and fun. Bring a lawn chair. Tracy will furnish supplies for smores.

Game Night

August 14, 2024
6:00 - 8:00 PM

Kids and adults are welcome to come have a night of great fun.

Not a Coincidence

Stories to Inspire and Encourage

Linda Havemeier complied a book of experiences and life stories of people we know and love. 

Pick up your own copy at the resource table for $10.00.

Our Mission


Jesus said, “I’ve come that you might have life and have it to the full," John 10:10. That’s what we’ve found Jesus has done for us, and what we want others to discover. 

We help people find and follow Jesus. Those words are our mission here at Hillside Hope. As we follow Jesus, we’re also learning how to do what he says.

Someone asked Jesus which was the greatest commandment and he told them, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it:  Love your neighbor as yourself," Matthew 22:37-39 (NIV). It’s easy to forget this and make other things more important than loving God and loving people, so we focus on keeping the main thing the main thing. Jesus and people are the main thing! 

We invite you to join us as we continue to find and follow Jesus together.


1913 E 22nd St.
Atlantic, IA 50022, US


Use our secure site to give online. 

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